27 April 2009

What we don't need

I always feel a little overwhelmed by the sorting out of seasonal clothes. Since my first child was born, I've been buying clothes several sizes ahead for my children whenever they go on deep markdown at stores like Target. It's hard to beat brand new fairly good-quality long-sleeved shirts for $1.58. I supplement with clothes from the $1 rack at a consignment store I use.

I had a lot of things stored up, but I'll confess those short-sleeved shirts and shorts at the thrift store started calling my name weeks before we actually needed them.

So, this year before I bought many clothes, armed with some great advice from Leila, one of my favorite bloggers, about how many clothes little children actually do need, and convicted that NONE of us need the amount of clothes we have, I sorted. And sorted. And sorted. Through mounds of clothes, I found items to bag up and keep for the next little one, then I stuffed a big box full for donation to the local charity shop...

...and in the process found that my eldest daughter has plenty of clothes for the next two sizes!

It's amazing how much money one can save just by realizing what we don't need!

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